Tuesday 27 February 2018

Poster Draft 1

 This is my current draft attempt at my poster task as part of the digipak and poster task assigned with our artist and music video.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Poster Research

These posters above are good examples of conventional artist posters and show good examples of online links to websites for example, also the logo's for their designated record label companies are on show. Also obviously, the artist is the main image.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Album/Aritst idea change

Throughout our project so far, the idea behind all of it was to include 'VIVID' as the artists stage name and also what we would call the artist. But after using it on draft posters and the digipak we have decided to make alterations.

our new concept is to use the artists real name, Aaliyah A, as the main curtain over herself as an artist and then secondly, 'Vivid', as our name for her album and that only.

Tuesday 6 February 2018


After watching back and working on our music video for some extra time I thought that the video had to include more staged shots, studio based, so that the video's emotions could be controlled.

By this I mean that throughout the video the emotional road the viewer is taken on whilst, "He doesn't love me" and "Am I ugly?" run through the song frequently, its clear it shouldn't technically be a happy, summery, 'in a park eating ice cream' kind of music video. Therefore, to keep an abstract and indie feel to the emotional rollercoaster the song takes you, some structure is key. My plan was to include these structural clips at the beginning and end, then throughout continuing the rollercoaster and leaving the audience asking questions.

These shots included ones, on set, in a dark room.

Monday 5 February 2018

Digipak second shoot

 This shot was filmed in a school drama studio. We chose to use this so that it had dark lighting to contrast on the digipak with the lighter shots. I estimate the darker ones will look better but possibly the more colourful ones will suit the genre and audience.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Storyboard/Narrative change

Our initial idea was to film scenes where later on in the music video we would reveal flashbacks of both the protagonist and her boyfriend together as part of a 'happier times' montage of clips. Also starting the video as sad facial expressions and moods from the main character.

Our plan is to now start the music video very happy and then later on, during the bridge, reveal the antagonist in 1 or 2 scenes and ending it sadly.

Media Evaluation 4

Question 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage? My media product fi...