Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Media Evaluation 4

Question 4.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?

My media product firstly uses forms of the modern-day media technology by firstly the editing software available for me to use to produce our groups music video. I used Adobe Premiere Pro and Creative Cloud. Premiere Pro proved to work quick and easy. My skills from previous editing software, Final Cut Pro for example, were able to expand and develop. Another key element to construct our media products was using Adobe Photoshop, something we all used in our group. This was used for our ancillary texts. These were individual posters and digipak CD layouts for our created music artist, Vivid.

To construct our media texts, researching was pivotal. To research I used the likes of YouTube and Google to firstly watch real current music videos, then watch and analyse how they’re marketed through posters and CD covers and subsequently what type of music area we would be best suited to create an artist in. We chose Vivid to fit into the indie pop genre. Something the likes of Dua Lipa and Alice Wolf originated in. Both people crucial to our research, planning and construction. On YouTube as a group we watched videos from artist in this same genre to analyse their pace, star screen time, lip synching and overall performance as artists.

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Media Evaluation 4

Question 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage? My media product fi...